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How do you deburr tubes ends?


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Hi guys,


I've got a large stash of tubes that was cut obviously with a not so sharp cutting device.


All tubes have serious ridges at their ends, what impedes entry of tools.



Now I'm locking for a suitable tool to fix that... Any ideas for the perfect solution?


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if you have a moto tool use the sanding drum to lightly take the edges of. or get a tube cutter.... i use a saw and always have a burr

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It shouldn't matter. Stick a smaller drift into the tube and twirl it around the give a little relief for your tooling.


It's just pyro. Your going to burn it up or blow it up anyway.

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Nooooo! That's like saying it doesn't matter if your gal looks good or not, she gonna leave you anyway ;) For NEPT tubes, I use a rolled up piece of sanding cloth like plumbers use, and twirl it in the end. Purdy :)

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Nooooo! That's like saying it doesn't matter if your gal looks good or not, she gonna leave you anyway ;) For NEPT tubes, I use a rolled up piece of sanding cloth like plumbers use, and twirl it in the end. Purdy :)


I promise that if you're making hundreds of farfalle or tourbillions or drivers or Tultepec style rockets, at some point before you are finished you will quit caring about how the tube looks!

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You're right, it's just pyro, but I really prefer smooth ends for ease of further work.


I thought maybe anyone here had a "perfect solution" for this.


Using a stepped hole cutter might do the job, and since it's paper a cheapo chinese one might be up to the job. Few seconds for each tube, if it works that is.

Edited by dangerousamateur
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I put the tube in a tube support just before puting it on the spindle and jam a rammer in each end and roll it around to crush the burr out of the way. Even the factory cut ends have a lip that needs opened up a bit for the tools to pass free.
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Sand paper or even a file can knock off any "fuzzies" that bother you. A plumb bob, funnel, or similar conical device works well for flaring the ends if necessary. If you want to be real fancy I believe caleb sells tool for doing that as well.

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These are not fuzzies but rather resilient, hard bulges, hard to explain...

A tube reamer wont do the job.


I wish a had a lathe ;)

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