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My new rocket launchers


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I created two different kinds of rocket launchers: one for the rockets up to 2 KG (2"-3"-4"-6" shells), the other for the massive rockets (8" shells and higher).

The first kind is a modified tripod created originally to hold the fishing rod:



I can adjust and lock the height of the tube:



I can adjust and lock the height of the legs.

This knob permit also to tilt the rocket launcher in one direction to obtain a decent inclination:



This is a 2KG 6" shell. The tripod is stable:



This is the second rocket launcher for heavy loads: a big aluminum tube inserted into a beach umbrella holder:



This knob permit me to vary the tube height:



A massive 5KG load (rocket plus 8" shell) is inserted inside the tube.

Since the heavy rockets needs two or more long sticks to assure a stable fly, it is important

to insert inside the tube only one of the sticks:


Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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