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My pyro wheel attempt.


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I got an itch for some pyro last night so made up a few gerbs and then threw together a makeshift frame to mount them on. This is what I came up with. It didnt turn out too bad. I revampt the frame and stuff so I am gonna try a other one this weekend most likely. Here is a video of the first one.


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i think the kids were impressed. had just as much fun listening to the kids as watching your wheel

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Yeah my kids are pretty vocal lol. My son was going nuts. Even my wife was amazed. I dont know if you could here her but she said "oh my God it actually worked". Its funny because I have built so many ball shells I cant even count and quite a few cylinder shells too but this wheel amazed everyone for some reason. It was nice though. The spinning part was 40 inches wide and the height was 96" a full length 2x3. The video doesn't do the size justice. I'm gonna make another one this weekend.........requested by the kids and wife. It wont take long since the framework is all done now.


Edited by clarkie752
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