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Full or pressed powder ?


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Hey guys , lil new here been doing pyrotechnics under my dad for many years and he had a recent question about salutes, well we both do


Do salutes need space inside the tubing? Ive read all over the internet some say yes some say no? And whats the best way to have a super secure end of our salutes? We have always used caps but i feel they blow out

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For the most part, its a matter of containment. Think of a bottom shot, traditionally made, has thick walls, is rather stout and robust, it resists opening allowing the few nanoseconds to allow fire propagation. It also allows for the escaping solids to be caught by the flame front and add to the report.


With a tube and a plug, it is likely, much of the solids will escape as the plug fails and the flame front cannot catch up. 1/2 full of stuffed full, you will lose a lot of solids without confinement.


This said, be-aware that with greater containment comes greater energy, this could mean shrapnel, forces enough to remove hands of kill you.


In pyro, we use it for what its used for, a report. To overthink it may lead to poor decisions about containment and lead to injury or death.

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