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Flame fountain


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Hello, most commercial fountains have a cold light with mostly sparks, i want to create a warm fountain instead.


Any ideas on this? I want this fountain to be big and heigh, about 6 feet

Edited by Lunes
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Hey Lunes,


I think you're looking for a simple "charcoal" fountain or gerb, or even golden glitter.


Unfortunately I have very little experience with said compositions, hoping someone else can chime in.


What type of experience do you have with black powder type comps?


I'm not asking to be rude, it's just so that we can point you in the right direction in regards to charcoal and such.

Edited by PhoenixRising
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Hey Lunes,


I think you're looking for a simple "charcoal" fountain or gerb, or even golden glitter.


Unfortunately I have very little experience with said compositions, hoping someone else can chime in.


What type of experience do you have with black powder type comps?


I'm not asking to be rude, it's just so that we can point you in the right direction in regards to charcoal and such.


I want something more intense and hot that really light up a cold night


maybe something like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wTTMwp_FI38 but i want it to last longer, the composition in the video is based on Rocket candy


I don’t have that much experience with mixing black powder to a composition, i only have used it superately, and i don’t have any experience with R candy (rocket fuel) at all


Can i make a fountain based only on green meal or R candy? What’s the pros and cons with green meal compared to R candy?

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Here's screen mixed BP made with airfloat charcoal mixed with titanium. 1"tubes.

I could have omitted the Ti and added a few percent of coarser charcoal for orange sparks.

Edited by OldMarine
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