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Tiger tail stars


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Just wondering what would happen if I replace some of the the charcoal with some lamp black what would happen say 10% lamp black would the stars hang longer

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Are you looking for longer burning stars, or longer hanging sparks, like a willow? There are similar comps like tigertail extra or C6 extra which could be more to your liking.


The second shell in this clip is TT extra.

Edited by NeighborJ
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Thinking maybe a willow
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Those stars hitting the trees on the second shell made for a really neat effect!
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Damn Jason! How big were those stars?

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😂They were cut to 1/2" and I wouldn't make them any larger unless I can shoot them over water. One of my favorites.
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Those stars hitting the trees on the second shell made for a really neat effect

I was thinking of my cedar trees with the dead, broken branches near the top and envisioning them bursting into flame.


It would definitely be a 4th of July to remember--might even beat out the one where the smoke candy mix ignited on the kitchen stove!

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Those stars hitting the trees on the second shell made for a really neat effect!


Yeah - real nice, almost ethereal, especially with the moon in the background.

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Looks pretty damm good to me :)


Maybe fiddle with the charcoal for a longer burn time?

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Chrysanthemum 6 and 8 burn quicker, and are bushier, than tiger tail if that is what you're interested in.

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  • 6 months later...

Your seeds are very beautiful. What is the formula? I want to do it. thank you

Tiger tail stars are simple--they're basically black powder with more charcoal and less potassium nitrate. I use the following:


Tiger Tail

44% Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)

6% Sulfur (S)

30% Airfloat Charcoal

15% 80-100 Mesh Charcoal

5% Dextrin

You want the fine charcoal for burning, and the larger charcoal for the longer-burning tail. You can play with the ratios a bit. I once ball milled the 44-6-30-5 mix, then screen in the larger mesh charcoal, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.


I wet it with really hot water until it forms a nice ball, then roll it out 3/8" thick between sheets of waxed paper, cut into 3/8" squares, and let dry. Protip: stick 2 3/8" wooden dowels on either side of your lump of composition (like tracks) and run your roller back and forth like it's on train rails to get perfect, even thickness (except at the edges.)


Edited by cevmarauder
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The historic formula for tiger tail is

44 charcoal,

44 nitrate,

6 sulphur,

6 dextrin.


The most variation is in the charcoal. The proportion of each mesh cut in the product changes the burn and the hang time. Some incorporation is needed to keep the ball burning, so some instructions say to mill together for some minutes then maybe add part of the charcoal later.


You can use wide mesh cuts for the charcoal it's the size distribution that makes much of the changes to the burn, Keep experimenting to find something that you like. Big stars will usually take bigger mesh sizes and have a longer hang time.

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"This is the video. Stars do not burn. and BUM. I do not know why."


Công thức lịch sử cho đuôi hổ là
44 than,
44 nitrat,
6 lưu huỳnh,
6 dextrin.
Các biến thể nhất là trong than củi. Tỷ lệ của mỗi lần cắt lưới trong sản phẩm thay đổi độ cháy và thời gian treo. Một số kết hợp là cần thiết để giữ cho quả bóng cháy, vì vậy một số hướng dẫn nói để xay cùng nhau trong vài phút sau đó có thể thêm một phần của than sau.
Bạn có thể sử dụng các đường cắt lưới rộng cho than, đó là phân bố kích thước tạo ra nhiều thay đổi cho vết bỏng, Tiếp tục thử nghiệm để tìm ra thứ bạn thích. Các ngôi sao lớn thường sẽ có kích thước mắt lưới lớn hơn và có thời gian treo lâu hơn.
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