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My first rolled stars


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Finally I recieved my star roller from http://pyro-gear.co.uk/ So it was time to test it out and to start rolling my stars. I failed on the first run, but succeeded at the second run. I think star rolling is not that hard.

Just don't add to much water and comp.

Before I allways made cut stars, but I wanted nice round stars which fits better inside the shell. And it saves alot of work too.
I started rolling with mustard seeds. I failed with those, alot of comp sticked to the bole, and the stars did not grow. Only a few stars came out. Good for me I only made 100Grams to test ;)

So I decided to get a little bigger seeds to roll on. I ended up with white pepper corns.

20170927 222758


I rolled 3 star compositions:


Red rubber star

Strontium nitrate 53%

Magnalium 19%

Parlon 17%

Red gum 11%

+5% Dextrine


Winokur 19

Potassium Nitrate 50%

Sulfur 20%

Charcoal Airfloat 10%

Magnalium Granular -325 mesh 10%

Sodium Bicarbonate 6%

Dextrin 4%


Gold flitter star

Potassium nitrate (fine) 35.56%

Sulfur 6.67%

Charcoal 4.44%

Sodium oxalate 8.89%

Aluminium (dark pyro) 24.44 35.55%

Aluminium (flake) 11.11

Dextrin 8.89%


After a little while a had alot of nice round stars inside the bole. Oh and a nice thing, I threw only like 20-30 corns in. I ended up with much more. The stars were making their own cores, which is pretty cool.

(Oh, want to see something fun? Open the photo and notice the time this photo was taken. 23:23:23. Ain't that fun ;) )


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After sorting the out all the stars I ended up with these: (Gold flitter stars)

20170930 230609

Stars primed with BP + 5% Mg/Ai


20170930 230619

I was curious how they looked inside. So I wasted a few Red rubber stars, but managed to break 1 nicely apart. So I could observe the inside.

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And a test of the gold flitter stars inside a 2,5" shell. Burst charge is BP + Flash (KNO3/S/AI 5:2:3)




Oh, and a cannibal spider visited my workplace. I hope the photo doesn't scare you ;)


20170928 101811

Edited by redbullzuiper
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Interestingly, I get an error saying I do not have permission when I click an image to view a full sized version.

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Interestingly, I get an error saying I do not have permission when I click an image to view a full sized version.



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Big white square, with the text in the top left corner:

You do not have permission to view this image Edited by MrB
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Me three too.
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Hm thats odd. Perhaps its because I didnt make them public? I will make the album public. Let me know if that fixed it.
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