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Colophony as a binder


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Hello to everyone!

Several resins are used in pyrotechnics as binders and fuels. But iam wondering if colophony (pine resin) can be used as a binder? I had read about using as a fuel but there are only rarely informations as a binder.

Thanks in advance!


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I just checked some other sites and it is never mentioned as a binder. Most mentions sgrs as the preferred binder in those comps.

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It looks to be "sometimes used as a binder" http://pyrodata.com/chemicals/Colophonium so in theory, it should be possible to adapt as a binder, but you would have to work it into your comps and experiment to get it working (Assuming this information is accurate). It seems Bengal Blue #2 uses it, but it's not a star so who knows if it would work when blown from a shell. Alternatively, the other example given is 'Red fire composition #4' however, similarly, this isn't a star comp so who knows. Do some experiments and report back to us TAmp!

Regards, AP

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