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I was wondering if anyone has heard of using powdered milk for a fuel. I know there are some star formulas that use lactose. I know, of course, that powdered milk is not pure lactose and contains a number of other things, such as proteins. But, is there any use for powdered milk in pyro?


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None that I know of except for fireball effects... and it's not good for that because the fat content isn't high-enough. That's why most folks use non-dairy 'creamer' powder.



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I tried powdered milk in a cremora and like Lloyd said, it wasn't good. I got more of a snowball than a fireball. I also used some lamb milk replacement and it worked really well. It has a ton of fat in it. The CO-OP had a damaged pallet and I wish I'd bought it all rather than just a bag. Now I know.

For some reason the smell of that stuff reminded me of C-Rations.

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