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Reducing Parlon Mesh size


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I've looked around and can't find a workable way to reduce the size of my Parlon. I've got some -100 mesh I bought from Ned but I try to only use it in comps not being wetted with acetone. I have about 10 lbs that will all pass a 30 mesh screen and would like to reduce it. I tried my blade mill and ended up throwing it away.

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I've looked around and can't find a workable way to reduce the size of my Parlon. I've got some -100 mesh I bought from Ned but I try to only use it in comps not being wetted with acetone. I have about 10 lbs that will all pass a 30 mesh screen and would like to reduce it. I tried my blade mill and ended up throwing it away.


Maybe some form of cryo-milling could be brought into play. I've only ever used fine-milled parlon made commercially, but have sifted the larger chunks out, first.


Let us know how you end up solving this problem.



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Ned and others say it ballmills well at room temp. He and DaveF used stainless media and reported great results. Ned said the -100 I bought from him was the milled stuff. I'm going to try lead since I don't have SS but I figure nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Will blade milling reduce the large sifted particles enough for Pyro use? If I recal Right it was a irritating task , Parlon seems to form a static mess in the mill jar mostly sticking to the lid. Been a while since I attempted to reduce the sifted material.
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I never tried it in the blade mill again since I figured it would just gum up the works again. Maybe grind it in short bursts to keep it from getting hot.

Edited by OldMarine
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