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Shell concepts


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Hello. I'm a newcomer, and this is my first topic.


So I drew up an idea in my high school over the course of the school day, about a month back, and I have had it sitting around in my backpack, and I thought, "I wonder what that forum I just joined would think of this," and decided, being the reckless and impatient freshman I am, to post some take and subsequently post some photos of the paper, in a moving car, with a cellphone. If anyone wants me to post better quality images, just tell me the quality is crappy, and I'll get some good quality photos up.







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On second thought, is this in the proper section?
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There's a difference between a pyrotechnic shell and a military shell or destructive weapon. The last two are not allowed on this forum. This appears to be a design for a destructive weapon.

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