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Saturn missile vs whistle rocket


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Sorry if this question was already asked up.I didn't find a topic on this subject.

Saturn missile composition is whistle mix ? Or something change in Saturn missile,because Saturn missile is so sensitive than whistle mix rocket


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Yep they are small whistle inserts with no core, at least where I live. A small lift charge kicks them up and the insert provides enough thrust to maintain the momentum or even accelerate a bit.


What do you mean when you say saturn missile inserts are so sensitive? Do you mean the composition in them is more sensitive?

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My Saturn missiles have a short core that gives the rocket impulse to achieve the liftoff. Mine have no charge in them.


My comp appears to have no phlegmatizer in it, its powdery and crumbles easily.

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They (the Chinese) almost certainly use potassium hydrogen phthalate as a primary fuel in their whistles- KHP is oddly difficult to get in the states, but the benzoate or salicylate fuels should work just fine.

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Yes a tiny or little spark ignite this Saturn missile(this Saturn missile is shoot by toy gun).but whistle rocket is not like this.

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