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PGI 2017


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I am at the planning meeting for the PGI in Fargo North Dakota. Things are going well so far, lots of great decisions and plans have been made and things look good for this great site.


A couple big things: Camping is opening up, a huge field is going to be opened up for tents, there MAY be electrical for the tenters, it looks like a better chance than not of that.


Rockets will, of course be allowed at Fargo, the sizes have yet to be decided and there will be a case by case discussion about larger rockets/shells for those that have proven rockets/shells. This is NOT new, this has always been the case for oversized items.


There has been some discussion about shell sizes too, 12" ball shells are OK'd, the BOD will speak about larger shells for exhibition Wednesday night with 16" being the plausible max.


The track has been shortened from 3/4 to 3/8 mile, the house in the center of the track is coming down, giving a better sight line to the audience.


The rocket line is being moved to the East, about 1000', right behind the holding pond and the B-Line will be directly west about 500', well in range!!


More later...

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Well, thanks for the update! I don't believe I've ever heard that much informational news so early about the next PGI event EVER!



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Thanks Mark. My wife is the afterglow chair and has kin close to fargo. I'm just tagging along so I though I would play reporter for the day and will do the same at the spring meeting.


I agree, not much ever comes out of the site meetings and since they are open to all members, I think it's a great opportunity for a member with no axe to grind, report the decisions made at the meetings.

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Here is a panorama of the inside of the manufacturing area, the All Stars location is still under discussion.



The track Panorama:



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