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colored silver streamer stars with magnalium?


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i want to make colored stars with a silver tail like this: https://youtu.be/svANe6CCEjA?t=54, but im not sure how to do this properly. I´ve seen some comps with al or ti, but the ti i used once (ti sponge 200-400 μm) was more golden than silver. Would it be better if I use ti flakes (200-400μm, 400-1000μm and 800-2000μm would be available)? Because i only have pyro dark al (6-7μm) and atomized al (325 mesh / 45μm atomized spherodial) i wondered if i could use magnalium too, i have 45μm / 325 mesh, 100μm / 150 mesh, 63μm / 250 mesh and 75-150μm military grade mgal.

Is there a way to make a silver streamer effect to colored stars with these materials?

Would be great if somebody could help me :)


I hope this topic wasn´t discussed too often already, but i found nothing which could really help me

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search for Spanish Pearl. there is a pdf by Jopetes that has several formulas you can download.
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