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I was wondering if their was a formula for calculating how long of a piece of craft paper I'll need to make a 1/2 tube with 1/4 walls?
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It's not perfect, but the formula I've used is as follows. It gives the same result as the above calculator.


Paper lengths = [pi * w * (d + w)] / (p)


w = wall thickness

d = inner diameter

p = paper thickness

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Is that 3.14*.250*(.50+.250)/.004? Sorry I'm not very good at math. Just trying to figure that formula out.
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Yes, that is correct. I've always found it easier just to use the calculator, or use a program to do it. I wrote an excel spreadsheet do it for me, which I attached. There are some common paper thicknesses included.


Tube Rolling APC.xlsx

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What kind of paper would you recommend to roll 1lb pound rocket tubes for rockets and small fountains? I tried a brown Kraft paper I found at lowes and haven't had much success with it using titebond lll. I used it full strength then watered it down and got a little bit better results but not perfect. The paper is .007 thick they have a role that is a little thicker I may give a try. And mumbles I tried that formula and it worked out perfectly. Thank you for that.
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This is how I learned to roll tubes.



I use that ~70# paper from Lowes or Home Depot from the paint section, and watered-down Elmer's white glue. After rolling thousands of them, it's now easy to make my own spolette tubes and small tubes for little inserts. I never did have much success making the bigger tubes though. Something to work on.

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I learned from Viking's tutorial as well. That dude is a seriously skilled pyro who isn't stingy with his knowledge. He has many great videos on his YT channel.

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Damn..now I want to roll some tubes. Anyone wanna buy them? :D


Sigh. I miss smelling the smoke. Honestly..I lit a foot of visco the other night on my deck just for the smell.


Maybe I should post that in “You know yer a pyro when..” Heh!

Edited by Richtee
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