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New 2017 Brothers Pyrotechnics catalog


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I've been on the road for almost a month, and just today returned home to find the new Brothers Pyrotechnics catalog on my desk.


It's ALWAYS a treat, because the Brothers products are usually top-of-the-line (I have had a very-few 'stinkers'), and their catalog is top-notch visual and printing quality.


But THIS one came with a "credit card" insert! It said "flash drive", but was the size of a regular credit card. Upon examination, the flash drive in the card "unfolds" from the card, and can be inserted in any USB port! And it's got ALL THE VIDS OF 175 OF THEIR PRODUCTS, PLUS a full copy of the 2017 catalog in machine-readable form (and a reader, to boot)!


What a great idea! Man! I wish I'd been the marketing guy who came up with that little gimmick! :o



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I subscribe to American Fireworks News and I was pleasantly surprised to see the 2017 Brothers catalog included in the envelope with the latest edition of AFN. Talk about a glossy, colorful catalog! Even my wife took a peek, and she isn't normally interested in such things.

Edited by deepdixie
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