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Bill W and Dr Bob


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Are there friends of Bill W and Dr Bob out there? Before you reply by asking who they are? you should know that if you need to ask, this thread is not intended for you but will not exclude you. I am looking for people who are like minded and already know what this means.
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They helped me years ago after an ugly divorce. Been good ever since.
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OM and Dag I can see it's influence in your personalitys, that's a compliment. I know friends are all over this planet and they should certainly exist even in a small community such as this.

I have reservations about blindly joining just any club because of my avoidance of certain situations. This problem becomes compounded by a limited number of choices for pyro clubs. I guess I'm just throwing out some feelers.

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Damn, I wish I posted this beforehand.
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ya i know bill w for 15 years, then we lost touch about 18 years ago



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Dag I picked up what you put down. I guarantee you were influenced.

Memo, Bill and I never got along but for some reason I can't explain he kept finding his way back into my life. And we've been good friends for the last 4+ years.

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bill is not part of my life now, but his influance is still there, 4 years of friendship is a long time... no need to stop now.



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I learned moderation if not cessation, though I abstained for 6 years. After the pressure and heartache were attended to the problem subsided rather quickly. I'd probably be dead without the help though.

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I didn't know it at first but it turns out I have an allergic reaction, I break out in handcuffs.
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I haven't met the doc or Bill but I'm good friends with a few of their friends. They have a cup of joe and quiet chat at our events too.

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I assume by "Bill W and Dr Bob" you really mean "Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether" (just what you need to make yourself feel better). The fifth track on the Alan Parsons album "Tales of mystery and imagination" (1976) inspired by the works of Edgar Allan Poe.


A recent interpretation:


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Bill's been a friend of mine for the last two years. Good guy that Bill.



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Yeah Bill sure gets around a lot, and it's a good thing too because he's saved my life more than once. He just has this way of keeping things from derailing, stick with him and nice to meet you DaM.
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