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which aluminum for d1 glitter


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The aluminim is somewhat critical to the effect. Fine flakes are generally wasted on D1, however some bright flake can help with fallout problems, or stubborn failure to glitter. Atomised aluminum of tightly controlled and overall quite fine particle sizes is ideal. There should not be too much coarse material.




-325 Spherical;


If there are fallout issues or failure to glitter, add small amount of Bright Flake.

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Alcoa 120 is my absolute favorite for just about everything so far. It will definitely give a different effect, I can't say for sure what, but it should burn at the least.


I would suggest taking however much you are planning on making and separating it into two half sized batches, with one batch use the suggested -325 mesh spherical atomized and with the other half use the alcoa 120. Post your results and let us know!

Edited by AzoMittle
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this will be the only alum i have on hand.I got out of the hobby years back and got rid of everything i had.I will just stick to charcoal and glitter comps this time

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They all look pretty damned good! Thanks for digging that up, I hadn't seen it before.


The CH0173 -325 bright flake gave more of a 'fireball' effect than all the others.

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Yeah, the Alcoa 120 was pretty impressive so of course I have none in my collection!
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I think i will order some 120. I liked that. Looks like i could use it on a Palm tree.

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The alcoa 120 in that video is probably not available anymore, it came from USAPyroSupply.com- The alcoa120 that hobbychem supplies is actually the "mil spec -325" in the video.

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This is the only place that claims to have the 120 that I could find:


I've never had any dealings with them so...


Edit: sold out. Rats! Foiled again!

Edited by OldMarine
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