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Grinding Magnalium Stone Machine


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This is my machine that I designed to grind Magnalium ingot, before be reduced at 150 mesh powder in other machine that soon I will describe here.

A few years ago, we used break the ingots with a hammer rsrsr




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Very nice machines.


1) What is the wheel made of? Does the magnalium wear it over time?


2) How is the wheel supported?


3) Does the drive system have some means of transmitting a lot of torque to the wheel, or is it a pulley driven system relying on the momentum of the wheel to crush the ingots?

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The wheels are supported through two bearings with 3 inches in diameter.

The wheels are made from 1045 hardened steel. The torque is given by a three-phase 10Hp motor, and a pulley reducing system which greatly increases the torque.

The magnalium is for a customer who ordered 1 ton. But my daily production is only 200 kg of this raw material.

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Regardless of daily production, that is a metal eating monster! I've seen chain mills at a nickel refinery that were 100x that size that complained more upon the addition of a full load than your edition.

Please share your construction details with the community.

That is a metal munching monster.

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it's been 13 years that built because at the time I had no computer, I have no more details of its measures, but I will take some pictures of your TRANSMISSION and jaws to see if it helps.

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