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Last month an old snort in our club (very well know in the pyro community) wanted us to ALL build one or two mines as a class together to de-bunk the need for all the fancy stuff like pistons etc. Now, I believe there is a place for all that but I just want to share with you how WE did it that day and with fantastic results!


We used root beer cans, FULL ones to roll our bags on. Cut an 8 inch wide sheet of kraft, 24 inches long, wrap it up on the soda can, not too tightly, you want it to come off. Glue just the edge of the paper to hold it together. Tongue fold or pleete the overhanging paper down on one end of the can, use a short piece of kraft tape (3"?) to hold it together.


Pull the bag off the can, e-match or quick match as you like with the match or the bared end of the qm inside the bag, all the way in the bottom, in the center. Tape that down being careful to not cover the exposed strands of qm or the match.


Pour 1 oz of hot BP in the bottom, 1.5 oz if you are unsure, it makes little difference.


Here is where the purists will get their knickers all in a bunch!


Dump in about 4 oz of stars that are well primed, add garnishments as you desire. With the e-match or qm sticking out the top, grab the remaining bag and carefully gather it up around the wire or qm and tie it off using a clove hitch, snugly but not too tight.


NOTE: These do not travel well, the BP gets all mixed up in the bag with the stars, you can make your first one in about 2 minutes and after a few dozen, 30 seconds to a minute each! Our observations? They all looked every bit as good as the piston type with careful construction. YMMV


Good luck!

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Using the lift bag makes them transportable. I haven't seen a great difference between the use of a piston or not. I like a simple bag mine that's quick and easy to make!

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Do you mean storage life? If you only use dry goods to construct them and keep them in a container with desiccants, they should last years. Some exotic star comps might break down over time but I don't make 'em!

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thanks for info thats real simple, how would one achieve a higher life if needed


Just put the BP in a baggie in the bottom along with the QM, it will stay there forever.

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