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Homemade Rockets


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That second one hopped on up there! What size were they?

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Excellent, I think that equates to 3/4", same as the ones I've been making. I'm loving rockets more than the headers that go with them!

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File wouldn't open after download.
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Why does it work for one person and not another? It's a file from my iPad in iPad format (I suppose),and uploaded the only way Iknow how.


But yeah, landed on the roof. Just a rocket no heading but enough to piss the ol' lady off. Kids thought it was funny I thought it sucked ass, another CATO..

back 2 the hote....drawing board

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Why does it work for one person and not another? It's a file from my iPad in iPad format (I suppose),and uploaded the only way Iknow how.


I think I speak for the majority (until they read this and decide differently) in that posting to You Tube is preferable. Make it unlisted and you keep your privacy a bit.

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To play videos, typically one needs to have the correct decoders installed on their computers. Macs, PC's, and tablets often have compatibility issues.

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