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Still love you guys


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After the festivities last night I got the itch to come read up on everything I've missed out on in the last few years. You guys rock.
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Good to see you around again. I saw you logged in early, and was hoping you might be back for a bit.

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I hope to be back for a good while this time. I have very little left around for some projects, but enough for some fun. I might have to build a ball mill since I've got a spare electric motor and a few hours every morning. Ive got a 1/2" set of cored rocket tooling and a few pounds of bright aluminum. Other than that idk what is left. As i type this i realize how much I've forgotten and am stoked to relearn and hopefully experience again.


So much nostalgia even your signature going to an archive that's long gone.

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Where the heck is all your content? I was going resurrect one of your old post to get the ball rolling! :rolleyes:

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Seriously, idk. It has my post count, but only shows these posts. Definitley weird.
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