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Fourth of July count down


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There are only 24 days until the fourth. Are you ready? Or are you scrambling like a madman to get all your pyro stuff made?

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I'm still going to have to buy most of mine but I will have some of my own stuff such as rockets, gerbs , saxons and wheels.

Next year will be all me!

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I don't want to put anything out there that I'm not sure of since I'll be firing in front of the Ex and former in-laws. I do a mean consumer show and am designing my pallets now. Luckily , my son is also a pyro nut so I have a willing accomplice in setup and firing.

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Best-laid plans of mice and men, Patrick! Don't commit, just 'promise'! <G>



As my previous post stated, if I ain't sure? They won't see it!

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me i am scrabbling to get it together, not many people celbrate the 4 th here. the are a few usa expats here. i am sure i will piss off the lesbian expats down the road because i scare the animals. the locals loce it. this expat couple calls the cops all the time. they pay no attention to them. the cops come down and watch the fireworks. hope I can get it all done.



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I got caught up in experimenting with different comp formulas, not to mention troubleshooting a star ignition problem (think I got it licked finally!) Now, I'm going to be scrambling to get things done. :wacko:

Edited by MadMat
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I apologize in advance if I am on the wrong thtead. This is my first post as a newbie. 😀 I had a quick question as I am getting a few things together for the fourth myself. I made some rubber star comp, Ned Gorski (carbonate version) and didn't realize I used the last of my p. perchlorate without making enough hot prime. I was double priming per Neds tutorial but now?? I don't think I'll be able to order more in time for the fourth. Can one get descent ignition using the bp prime only? Sincere thanks for any replies! The APC is an indespensible source of info for me.
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I apologize in advance if I am on the wrong thtead. This is my first post as a newbie. I had a quick question as I am getting a few things together for the fourth myself. I made some rubber star comp, Ned Gorski (carbonate version) and didn't realize I used the last of my p. perchlorate without making enough hot prime. I was double priming per Neds tutorial but now?? I don't think I'll be able to order more in time for the fourth. Can one get descent ignition using the bp prime only? Sincere thanks for any replies! The APC is an indespensible source of info for me.

In the Agora section is perchlorate in 10 pound units for 30 bucks plus shipping. There ya go!

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If they're the parlon bound stars in Ned's article they'll light with BP.

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Alan, I'm paying $10/lb for hp through pyrochem source so that's a GREAT TIP thanks! Regarding a substitute maybe I would have better ignition in a hard break with something hotter as Mumbles stated? The DE I'm familiar with has the texture of talc powder (i use it for horticultural purposes) is the same grade recommended for fp prime? Would I sub mg/al or I have bright flake al -325 mesh, in the same proportions as the silicon?
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I've always been HARD CORE addicted to gardening. I've basically dedicated my life to it. Now, my plants are all wilting underneath the lit up night sky. If only it would put food on my table!! I'm beginning to wonder if I should be seeking professional help? For the past 1 1/2 years I scarcely think of anything else!! A blessing or an illness I've still yet to determine. NO-ONE around me can understand this so on this front I've been alone. Till now?
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there are a lot of like minded people here me thinks



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The diatomaceous earth normally used is the product used in pool filters. I believe it is somewhat coarser than the stuff you describe. The idea is to provide a coarse surface to take fire easier. There were some other theories floating around about other effects, but they're mostly just postulated potential effects. Other substances like sawdust or even granulated composition at the end can help provide a similar coarse ignition surface.


MgAl or bright Al should work. I've actually only used it with silicon. I trust OldMarine when he said that the stars light pretty easily. You should be okay.

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Sounds great I'll give it a go. Bty, thanks to you as well old marine.
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Sounds great I'll give it a go.I'll granulate a portion of the red gum, mg/al bp through a 40 mesh and combine with fines for the surface of the stars. 👍 Bty, thanks to you as well old marine.

Sounds great I'll give it a go.I'll granulate a portion of the red gum, mg/al bp through a 40 mesh and combine with fines for the surface of the stars. 👍 Bty, thanks to you as well old marine.

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