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Using the fast yellow visco on lance work.


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I am working on a small lancework project for the 4th and i dont have access to the thin paper quick match or sticky match but i do have the fast yellow visco fuse. Can this be used as a substitute? Its pretty violent fuse and im worried that it will be a little to much for what i need and will push the lance tubes all over the place.


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It's not fast enough, as-is, Wyz, unless you don't mind its taking a number of seconds to slowly sweep across your setpiece.


However, it's porous enough on the sidewalls so that if you pipe it yourself, it will 'quickmatch' when lit.



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The yellow stuff is supposed to be 1 to 2 seconds per foot. The longest run of it will most likely be around 4 feet. Would wrapping it with masking tape work for piping?

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Masking tape will speed it up; but just so you understand, 1 second per foot is a "dead crawl" compared to the speed of good piped match.


But that's up to you. The fuse WILL work, even without piping it. If you don't intend to properly pipe it, I'd leave it open, and just use the slowness to artistic effect.


Also, be informed that home-made sticky match is easy. It takes a bit of 'hardware' in respect of two face-to-face tape dispensers and a 'watering bottle' type drop-dispenser for the BP... but it's an easily-built rig.



Edited by lloyd
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Please... don't "make shift" with things like piping match. If you cannot do it properly, ersatz solutions like "McDonald's straws" will give you inconsistent results.


The yellow visco is fast enough to give an artistic display IF the paths are planned well.



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