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Categories for formulas.

Guest Mark_the_pyro

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Guest Mark_the_pyro

Personally for me, it would be a lot easier to look at the formulas if they could be organized into categories, such as star comps, rockets propellants, etc....

Just a thought.

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Guest Mark_the_pyro
I know there are sites like that. I am talking about the formulas that people submit over here. However, it would be nice if the formulas from those sites (above) would be put into our site here. I would do it, but I the people who originally in the first place put together the list, would probably be pissed, or compain you are taking traffic away from their site, or some reason.
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The composition section here is for compositions that have been personally tested by our members anyway. We had a composition site before. Perhaps in the near future it could be revived. It would be much easier to categorize from there.
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The problem with what you are asking is that if we want to make a site where you can sort the compositions in different types and uses, it should offer something else than what is already offered(just compositions and how to use them). We would want pictures and/or videos of them in action.


If we had much more compositions, we could categorize them like that. Now we have many star formulas, but almost no go-getter, fountain, or report compositions. If people could be better to get (good) pics, we could add more to these sections, and the possibility of a sister-site with compositions would open up. It is still a lot of work though, so the mods/admins would have to use a lot of time on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think a database in where you can search compositions based on the chemicals you have would be very helpful specially to newcomers and those with limited chems (me). Passfire search function only allows you to select one chemical to pick out formulas and isn't enough.
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