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HELP loading a pic!


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Okay, I seem to have tried everything.


After choosing a file, whatever sized pic I try to upload to a post - when I click on `preview post` they are always thumbnail size!?


Totally baffled here :huh:


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I`m just selecting `Choose File` in the bottom left corner and uploading a pic from my collection.


Jpeg`s sized in photoscape.

Edited by Mixer
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Where are you seeing "Choose File"? Under "My Media" or using the image button?

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There really isn't a great way to do this. It treats attached images the same way it treats any other file, which is just as an ordinary file. If you upload to the gallery, then you can link to full sized I believe. I sort of cheat most of the time. After you upload it, you can get the URL of the file, which will be full sized, and use the normal image insertion code or macro. This does put it at 100% though, so if you didn't resize from the native resolution, it will often be too large for the screen and stretch it out. I will typically edit these back out, or into links to keep things looking good.

 [img="URL here"]

36 inch Shell.jpg


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Sooo... Off-topic, i suppose, but from now on, when ever someone say they are "eye-balling it", that's the mental image i will get.


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  • 2 months later...

I have never been at one with the computer. Sometimes I beat on it (The Computer) and it still won't do what I want. I did manage to get the jpeg loaded into the gallery. But I am still having a hard time getting the image into the topic where it can be seen. Where do I find the URL? Not sure how to do it............Pat

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