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Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any advice on pasting glue. I'm planning on making more 3" shells to try. I previously used some paste mix that said "all purpose adhesive and wall sizing" I believe. You add cool water and wait until the granules absorb water and gel up some. I didn't think it was the greatest and I thought I should try wheat paste or pre mixed wall paper paste. Wheat paste would be cheaper, so that would be my first preference to try, that is if it is good to use. Anyone have a good prep method/recipe?


Thanks all!

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Wiley gave these excellent instructions on wheat paste in another thread:

" To make wheat paste, take half a cup of white flour, and mix it into 1.5 cups of water, making sure to destroy any and all lumps. Bring another 1.5 cups of water to a boil, then pour in the mix you just made. Stir often. I've never timed how long I cook my wheat paste, but I have noticed that there comes a point where it starts to rise more than normal, and the viscosity actually decreases a bit. That's when I pull mine. I've stored it in the fridge for weeks, and it hasn't gone bad. You'll need lots of this stuff for pasting string and applying paste wraps."

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Use wheat paste, jt is good for paating, water to flour ratio 6:1. Stir the flour or starch into the water. For bigger projects boil it until it starts to raise a lot while stirring, else microvawe a pot 1-2 minnuntil it raises (watch it and turn of if it reaches the top).
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I use pre-gelatinized wheat starch + CMC for pasting. Mixes in a blender with cold water, and keeps very well. The starch I bought from an outfit called Honeyville.



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I use premixed wall paper paste. But that is the only way I have tried.



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I cook wheat paste, 6:1 like Wiley only I blend the flour with 1/2 of the water until smooth and then add the rest of the water and cook the whole thing.
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