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24" Girandolas!


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I am assembling the frames for several 24" girandolas over the next week or two and I thought you may enjoy the journey with me. This is the first frame type I am going to use, there will be others as well and I will be comparing the benefits of them all as I go.


It's my hope to build drivers this summer as I will have my license and a licensed facility to build in.


The first girandola frame design is made from laminated pine in a hoop with three layers glued together, spokes made from bamboo and poplar hub blocks with aluminum hubs.


Here is the hoop so far:





Here is the top part of the frame before tying it:



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The top and bottom hoops, the top one is tied already.







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looking god their Dave :)



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Thanks Steve! One more to build tomorrow and its on to the hub!

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I agree. Nice work dag.


After reading some threads on these I'm getting hooked.


What do you plan to use for drivers? Just bp endburners w/effects? Or is there a fancier, more visually pleasing way of driving them?

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I agree. Nice work dag.


After reading some threads on these I'm getting hooked.


What do you plan to use for drivers? Just bp endburners w/effects? Or is there a fancier, more visually pleasing way of driving them?


Well, what fun would there be in giving all my secrets away? :P


In all seriousness, these will have only boring old BP drivers in them, ball milled 75:15:10, hand rammed #1 motors.

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Well, what fun would there be in giving all my secrets away? :P


In all seriousness, these will have only boring old BP drivers in them, ball milled 75:15:10, hand rammed #1 motors.

Im sure you have more secrets to surprise us with dag.


Can't wait to see how it progresses, keep up the good work.

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Thanks again!


Yes, there will be some surprises along the way (CATOs too!) but I hope to work with one of the greats on this.

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That's looking really nice. Thanks for sharing. Would endburning whistle drivers be possible for a girandola? I don't think I've ever seen one with them, and it'd add another auditory effect plus extra thrust.

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Nice frame Dag, looks well balanced.

Blue, i use 3/4" open ended whistles for wheel drivers. They have plenty of thrust but can be a tad too loud at close range.

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That's looking really nice. Thanks for sharing. Would endburning whistle drivers be possible for a girandola? I don't think I've ever seen one with them, and it'd add another auditory effect plus extra thrust.


I have some video of endburners using all whistle fuel but they dont make noise when choked (nozzled), they just have more thrust and very little flame.

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I guess I missed this thread Dave,

Wow, those look super nice. Gonna give us all the bug if you aren't careful !


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Missing the link Dag :)

One or two open ended whistles strapped to the frame will provide the sound. Ti sponge gives visual appeal to the whistles but it can overpower the charcoal driver tails in terms of brightness.




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  • 3 weeks later...




What happenend to this project?


Was looking foward to seeing some videos of those bad boys flying.

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I love the sound of big rockets taking off. 😀


Thanks for the update.

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Dag do you thing it is possible to use 3 lb endburners on such a hoop, or would they take everything apart?
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Youbetcha! Use less motors and attach them inside the frame. I'll ask Tom and see what he says as well. Since I have a crap-ton of #3 tubes, this sounds like a lot of fun to try!

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  • 4 weeks later...



I have 6 frames completed, ready for axles & drivers (pix tomorrow, they are at the shop). Next up is switching gears completely and starting on a few Tom Dimock style frames, using bamboo only as the building material. I expect that Tom's frames will come in at about 1/2 the weight.


The ones I am currently modeling after are based on a frame kit I got years ago from a friend.





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I have six frames ready for axles and drivers. I will start pressing drivers tomorrow, the Lord willing and the creek don't rise.



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daggy ,

you know who you sound like, your voice reminds me of nutnfancy off of YouTube if you have ever seen any of his videos

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Only missed it by one generation! My son could be nutnfancy! He lives in a van and moves around the cities from parking lot to parking lot though he doesn't own any guns. Me? I like my house, in fact, I have sheetrock to hang today. :glare:


No play time with rockets after all, SWMBO underlined it on the honey-do list this morning...

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There is no way he's TNFP, he doesn't droll on a and on and on like utube

There is no way he's TNFP, he doesn't droll on a and on and on like utube

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