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Potassium nitrate: ACA or not?


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my favourite pyro supplier sells 2 types of potassium nitrate: With ACA (anti-caking agent) and without.

I always used the type with the ACA for my black powder, but now I accidently bought some of the nitrate without it (it's clumping together in big pieces).

So, when I ballmill the black powder, all the clumps should be broken down and it won't clump again as finished BP, right?

Or is it a problem?


Best regards


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If it is clumped it is likely because of moisture. I don't use AC in my BP. You will need to dry it or when you mill it it will likely clump up with the charcoal and sulfur into a solid mass in one end of the mill- a real mess. Dry over night in a drying box if you have one. In full sun if you have low humidity. I have dried it on a pizza pan (nitrate only) in oven at 200 F for a couple hours.
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Has anyone ever used a crockpot for drying chems? If so does one dry them separately, or could they be dried all at once but NOT mixed?



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I use a 5 tray food dehydrator but I only dry one chem at a time. I really only have to dry my potassium and strontium nitrates but I've taken to drying my charcoal as well before milling BP.
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daM, you built a mill now you can build a dry box. it is worth the time and money. looks like you have the skills to do it

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I buy my potassium nitrate in 25 kilo sacks, it always has clumps to bfr's , just put thru a #4 screen and into the dry box. you good to go.



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Dry box is coming. Have to watch the spending, wife gets a little upset when I drop to much money at once.



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If it is clumped it is likely because of moisture

No. Not necessarily. It's most likely not wetter than in the treadstarters other batches.




So, when I ballmill the black powder, all the clumps should be broken down and it won't clump again as finished BP, right?

Yes. The charcoal will act as anticake.



Or is it a problem?



And If you want to granulate it afterwards, not having AC in the stuff might be an advantage.

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Is the stuff without the anti-cake a fine powder or granular? Fine powders can clump rock hard without much water and doesn't always need drying.
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I have used a crock pot to dry chems. I guess you could put them in a paper sack and do more 1 than at a time. Edited by dynomike1
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Don no, you have no reason to worry about that. The kno3 from your supplier w/o is fine and needs no drying. But you should brake it up through a 4 to 6 mm sive, so it gets crushed up faster in your mill.
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