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Tragic model rocket accident. Kid killed one in hospitol.


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Sad this happened but I have to say that they should not have been making them let alone launching around other kids at a high school though. Making rockets is all good and all for responsible 18+ yrs old for home made. They should have been using estes motors for a public showing at a school. My prayers and best wishes to them. I hope they don't come down on the parents too hard for letting them build home made rockets for school. :/ ouch I mean what the heck did they bring that could kill you and nearly someone else next to you? Had to be whistle and/or pvc? Maybe something on top that shouldn't be? The school should have known better


because I did this in 7th grade for science class. I got a usa 1 rocket and used an estes C6-3 and fired it off the estes launcher with a solar ignitor and the estes battery launcher with a 20 foot wire. It went up, and floated back down, no problem. The only way they were going to let me do this is if I use genuine stuff, no rigged up home job junk.

Edited by Sparx88
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It was a propane tank that exploded and killed the man (18yrs old).

School was closed and they were on a handball court trying whatever they were trying.

Apparently CO2 filled rockets are a thing and some use propane and ignite it at launch for a flaming tail.

This Darwin Award was well deserved.

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"The rocket was about a foot long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, designed to propel a skateboard."


​It apparently was a hybrid type rocket motor and the propane is used as fuel.

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The rocketry folks are talking pulsejet. Apparently an air compressor was also involved.



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