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Suburban Signal Cannon


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I live in suburban Connecticut, and although it's technically legal I would disturb all of my neighbors firing my signal cannons on my property. I mainly got them for the 4th of July, but would like to go out occasionally on the weekend and fire my thunder mugs, no projectiles ever. However, so far I've only used them in the forest which is owned by the town. I haven't asked for permission, and I don't know if it's even legal to fire a signal cannon on public land although I didn't see anything prohibiting it in State law or town ordinances.


So what's everyone's take on this? How would you go about finding an appropriate place to fire them if you don't live in a rural area and don't belong to a gun club? I will be firing them on a public beach on the 4th of July, but there will be dozens of groups lighting off illegal fireworks with impunity so I think I'll be fine then, but what about secluded public areas where the sound won't bother anyone and there's no one else around to potentially get hurt?




Edited by Treeburner
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Mount the thunder mug under your vehicle and hook an ignition wire to the mug and light it off.

Everyone will think your vehicle back-fired. ;)

Edited by mikeee
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If someone doesn't like it they will let you know. Sometimes we will shoot a salute in town. Nobody cares.

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I'm of the same opinion - better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Just wanted to know if what I'm doing people here in a like-minded community feel is ok, as my actions reflect on our community as a whole.


Has anyone here encountered law enforcement when using a black powder signal cannon? Wondering how familiar they are with black powder laws, especially around here in suburban Connecticut where there's not much hunting. Guess I'll find out eventually.



Edited by Treeburner
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I guess shooting signal cannons, you're not really associated with this community. Do you know any officers where you will be shooting? Ask them what they think. We are not there, you and them are.

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