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Barium Chlorate


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What do you think, is barium chlorate worth the higher price in contrary to Barium nitrate? So should i get a couple kg of it or just stay with the nitrate?
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For organic greens, I don't think you can beat barium chlorate. I don't a lot of experience or insight into metallized barium chlorate stars to comment on that very much. My impression is that you lose that deep emerald green that Ba chlorate is famous for, which would reduce it's appeal for me. I'd buy it and use it exclusively for organics personally.


You can use a mixture of barium chlorate and potassium chlorate to both reduce the amount of expensive barium used, as well as reduce the sensitivity of the resultant stars. The color really doesn't change noticeably, especially if used in shells. There are some nice examples of this in Hardt.

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