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1st Break Test


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This shell is meant to be the first break of something much longer and cooler. It had a 1.5" layer of N1 glitter stars in the bottom of the case. I used a 1/2" canulle in there to separate the 3FA burst from the stars. On top of the layer of stars was stacked a ring of ten 1/4" ID reports, filled with watered down 7:3, or more accurately, hopped-up 5FA. The cavity was filled with 3FA.

I used a short spolette (5/16") to get it to burst on the way up. I got the trumpet-shaped burst I wanted but I saw two problems I wasn't happy with.

First, I couldn't help but notice the large amount of flaming casing bits raining down after the burst. When I went out to stomp out the little glowing bits of match pipe and lift bag, I noticed that some sparks were remarkably hard to put out. I realized that these were pieces of match pipe with bits of glowing crochet thread inside them left behind from the match. I made that match with 8 strands of size 30 crochet thread, and it doesn't burn up well, apparently. I don't know why there were so many pieces of hot casing coming down. I really didn't do much different from the way I've made these in the past.

Second, only 9 of the 10 reports ignited. You can see the gap in the ring in the upper left of the burst.







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wiley I get the same burning crap from my d1 and n1 glitter when the star is not all the way dry.



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I really like your finish, each has a personal touch, yours is very clean ;)

In my opinion, I think I would given more time to main delay fuse. The stars rising a lot with the inertia. is the effect you wanted?


I enjoy your work! a greeting B)

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Aspirina, that was the effect I was looking for. In a shell that will be displaying for 8-9 seconds, I want the first break going off ASAP so the bottom shot doesn't kill any trees.

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