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It was raining when I filmed these 2 shells, so the glitter on the first shell didn't show up very well, but it is a beautiful white glitter. All colors/effects from the Jopetes pdf. First one is Glitter to Aqua, second one is Lime to Red.


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Nice shells.

I would like to know:

1.What kind of solvent did you use to roll the stars,alcohol ,water,or a mixture ?

2.Which binder did you activate in Monocapa prime?

3.Is your outer-layer BP prime dextrin bound or resin bound?


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Thanks guys! PIL: I bind everything with water/dextrin. Even the monocapa. My water contains 15% alcohol to aid in drying.

Edited by braddsn
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That's definitely some bright colors. and good breaks. On the other hand i like the video in the bottom left hand corner better.

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Brad congratulations, good execution of the two aerial shells, particularly the opening force. You know you can change the color tone aqua simply by modifying the amount of copper oxide, all consumer tastes in the art of pyrotechnics there are no rules, you can always innovate, modify or enhance.

What have you used for lifting, rice husk cover Bp, or Bp grainy?



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Those are very nice shells, Brad. You weren't kidding about JOPETES's formulas being some of the best. Thank you, José, for sharing your compositions.

I see two red compositions, one with both SrCO3 and Sr(NO3)2, and one with just SrCO3. Which red was used in the second shell?

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Thanks guys! Jopetes: I am using coated rice hulls for lift. I also used 9 Copper Oxide for the Aqua. BlueComet: The red I use is Red# 1, which is the one with Strontium Carbonate only. I will have some more shell test videos up soon of some of the other colors from the Jopetes PDF. The colors are perfect, very bright, and all use similar chemicals, which is convenient.

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Sorry to hijack the thread but I have a question for you guys and I can't start a new thread...


Does buying oxidizers like potassium perchlorate and ammonium nitrate online land you one a government 'watch list'? I'd like to start making my own rocket motors and exploding targets (off the shelf motors and targets are so expensive). As you know, the components are legal to own but I don't want to land myself on a list.

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In the USA, if you're not breaking any local laws, and you're not a "prohibited person" due to a criminal conviction, then it's legal to make fireworks on your own property without a license. You cannot transport them anywhere without a license, but you can make them and shoot them.


ATF has been very good about not only condoning amateur pyro, but also making a number of "official statements" about it. All of them concur that so long as you're obeying local laws, they have no problems with your doing it.


Now... by explosive laws, et. al., you are required to STORE your fireworks in a proper magazine, because without EX numbers and a license, anything you make (right down to a sparkler) is considered 1.3G, and thus must be stored in a magazine. You're also required to honor all the required 'setback' distances to homes, roads, occupied structures, etc. That's just common-sense safety, anyway.


ATF has better things to do than to monitor the day-to-day activities of otherwise legitimate and safe hobbyists.


Be safe, comply with local rules, and enjoy yourself!



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Who knows. For all we know, just posting on a forum like this one could put you on such a list. It doesn't really matter anyway. It's not the "no fly" list, so it doesn't matter anyway.


It all comes down to what country your in, and if they are oppressive enough to keep lists of people that aren't really a threat. But it still (at best) gives you a guess, no country is very open and admitting to what lands you on such lists. (They will often admit to some things that will definitely land you there, while more... gray areas, aren't so publicly outspoken)


Here in Sweden, pretty much and (per)chlorate will nowadays land you on a list. That is, if they can catch you with it. It's a completely banned substance, and cant be owned by a person, for any purpose. Weird, since it's not really that "dangerous" in it's use. Ammonium nitrate on the other hand, is a "controlled substance", meaning anyone can obtain, and own it, but sellers have to ask for an ID, and submit the information for such a "watch list". Which on it's own is pretty much a none event. The list isn't affecting anything. Until you start to combine a few other purchases. Some acids, hydrogen peroxide, acetone, and ammonium nitrate, will get you a visit from the friendly neighborhood cops. Top it of with a small purchase of electronics, be it timer circuits, remote-controlled devices, (garage-ports or RC vehicles) or even just telecommunication devices, and you will get a more urgent visit, from the less friendly neighborhood cops.


Anyway, a single item will rarely, if ever matter when you get on a watchlist. It's the over all combination of things you buy, and the crazy ideas the bored technician cross-comparing/matching the lists can come up with that should scare you. But then again. The right household cleaning supplies, some electronics, and a quick visit to any hardware, or kitchen supplies store is enough to make said lists peg you as a terrorist. Odds are, your already on a bunch of lists. Sleep well ;- )


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I'd like to do everything by the book but unfortunately the AHJs all have different books.

I'm sure I've been on many lists for many years so I wear it like a badge of honor. As long as I keep it safe I don't think they've got time nor money to mess with little ol' me.

Edited by OldMarine
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Yep, I say the same thing to all the conspiracy theory nuts that think the gov't is "coming to get our guns!! and listening to our phone conversations!!!!".... Nobody cares about you (govt, police, ATF, etc) unless you are breaking the law. Nobody cares to listen to your phone calls, read your texts, or watch you from the sky. Why??? Because there is nothing in it for them. They are busy with criminals. Like Lloyd said.. obey the laws, use common sense, don't piss anyone off, be safe and HAVE FUN!!!

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Fantastic shells man! http://yoursmileys.ru/tsmile/rulez/t2015.gif

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Yep, I say the same thing to all the conspiracy theory nuts that think the gov't is "coming to get our guns!! and listening to our phone conversations!!!!".... Nobody cares about you (govt, police, ATF, etc) unless you are breaking the law. Nobody cares to listen to your phone calls, read your texts, or watch you from the sky. Why??? Because there is nothing in it for them. They are busy with criminals. Like Lloyd said.. obey the laws, use common sense, don't piss anyone off, be safe and HAVE FUN!!!


While this isn't entirely true, it is true in the sense that even as they listen to you, listening to you alone makes no difference. And this is the "flaw" in all of the surveillance systems the governments use today, to keep their finger in the eye of the public. They simply got so much data to try and make sense of, that they have to work backwards. Find something that happened, and work from there to figure out who did it. They simply need known "objects" to work with, be it vehicles, people, phones, or anything else they got in their lists.

At this point i spend about 3 hours a day reading and writing on some forum. At least a few of the forums land me on a list, just for being there. This since the entire forum is dedicated to something that is illegal in my country. This forum is among those. Nobody is going to sit and daily check my forum posts, what i read, what i wrote, who else read / wrote those same things, and so on. There is some automatic filtering done where supposed "terrorist activity", and "threat to Swedish armored forces in other countries" are concerned, and outside of that, my presence here will only be a problem at an upcoming trial, where this discussion in particular will go to the prosecution, and the defense will use pretty much every other post in my defense pointing out the fact that i'm in to pyrotechnics, not home made bombs.


In short. They ARE listening to you. "They" are a machine, and you don't really need to worry about what they may or may not hear. It wont matter until it's way to late anyway. You can have a political view stating that it's a bad thing (i agree with that) but don't let it affect what you say, or do. It doesn't have that kind of impact on your life.


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