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The Universe is really-really big... This will help visualize just how big


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Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


Douglas Adams


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Wow. I'm starting to feel like my 1.75" ball shells are really small. Who wants to get together to build a shell with a diameter of one lightyear? We'd need about 4x10^53 grams of BP (not accounting for gravitational compression) and stars the size of, well, stars.

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I ain't buying the chems for that one but I'll donate a few as I decompose.
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We wouldn't need to build a shell like that... we just need to fit a solar probe with some trilithium, and shoot it into the sun. The trilithium will stop fusion reaction in the sun and the resulting shockwave will destroy everything... (though getting the trilithium will be a challenge, and assuming we can get that we'd have to build a GIANT rocket to carry that probe into the sun, and it would be REALLY hard to get NASA to agree to this since no politician would ever vote to destroy the sun... Unfortunately there's no way Dr Soran's rocket would do it unless that rocket has an impulse engine.... and if we had an actual impulse engine then sending stuff to space would be trivial and we wouldn't need to worry about gravity slingshots and air braking to enable space travel... it would have enough power to accomplish those things. Inertial dampeners would be necessary so the resulting acceleration won't crush the craft and its occupant)

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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Who wants to get together to build a shell with a diameter of one lightyear?


When I first read this, my geek side came out for a moment, and I thought you were talking about a Dyson sphere....



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I am not so sure some of the current political candidates would say no to blowing up the sun. To help bolster my hypothesis, I live in Texas...

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Texas. Where we get more from bat guano than KNO3. And we have a LOT of guano. :o

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Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. Douglas Adams


The next biggest thing to space in comparison is a Kardashian ass. :o

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