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buying/selling kno3 and/or sulphur


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does any one know where to get kno3 and/or sulphur for a good deal not necessarily cheap but not expensive
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Ok, this is the fourth post from you I've seen like this. This isn't necessarily directed at you but for all the new people we have on the forum.


We have a lot of info one here, please do a search for info in previous threads before asking questions. If you have a follow up question to a thread, feel free to post in there or start a new one if it's a new topic.


We have a whole section on the forum devoted to suppliers. You can find good suppliers of KNO3 on there, but usually Clay Art Center is good or if you have a Lesco (garden fertilizer store) in your town, you could try there.


Another unrelated tip for forum posting not related to this thread is, asking about flash or cherry bombs will get you banned quicker than anything else.

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