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John Reilly's death


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For those who have had conversations with him, I heard on FB of John's passing yesterday.

I don't know any details (including whether or not it's true, but suspect it is).



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I'm sad to hear of his passing. I always enjoyed coming across his posts when a google search took me to rec. pyrotechnics.

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It's really too sad to here....

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Just an update, but this is unfortunately true. There are some nice messages posted. This really is a shame. John was a wonderful person, and extremely generous with sharing his knowledge. I have countless posts of his saved from rec.pyro and passfire. He has a wonderful collection of old photographs from the heyday of pyrotechnic manufacturing in the US and around the world. Many are on pyrobin, and posted around the various pyrotechnic groups on facebook. I highly suggest taking a look.




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When I was starting out in pyro I read for about a year before ever making anything so I could learn and get comfortable with common practices and while I built a decent ball mill and collected some common chems and a few tools. I found rec.pyro back when it was active and quickly learned Mr Reilly was a very knowledgeable guy and to look for and pay attention to his posts.


It is always sad when someone passes, and especially so when it's someone that is so knowledgeable and takes the time to share so freely.


One of the small downfalls with the internet is that while you can easily find information, you don't get to really meet the person on the other side and usually don't know much about them, their personality, or what they look like. I got the impression he wasn't very old at the time and it looks like he wasn't, and at 64 he left us much too soon.


RIP John.




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