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Time fuse illegal?


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Nahh.... A particular vendor was shut down because of some violations on shipping (we guess). Time fuse is not illegal.


It IS a regulated material that MUST be stored in a proper magazine (even though it's 1.4).



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Correct, Arthur,

And that GREATLY increases the 'delivered cost', because hazmat carriers charge a premium for that service.


SOME vendors have not employed suitable carriers, and eventually they get an 'invitation' (from a gov't agency) to stop doing it that way! <G>



Edited by lloyd
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The shipping regulations in the U.S. has really gotten out of hand, I have shipped packages outside the borders to other countries and the cost keeps climbing every year to ridiculous levels. At the same time I can order a package from China and the postage is very little to have it shipped all of the way to the U.S. It would be nice to participate in a fair trade market, but it seems to be stacked against us.

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Looks like that's what you get for living here. LOL

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Does anyone have any information on the legality of bringing NOT shipping time fuse over the boarder. Canada/US boarder.



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There are no "legality" issues. It's legal. But any explosive goods transported from _anywhere_ to Canada must possess Canadian explosives approvals, just as the US requires "EX numbers".


Canada's approval system is expensive, but on the other hand, they accommodate manufacturers by charging a MUCH smaller fee per item for testing a large assortment of items than the cost would be for just a few. So, a well-organized US manufacturer can relatively economically get Canadian approvals IF his product meets the requirements.


Canadian approval requires actually submitting product for testing, unlike US EX-approval. So, by rights, it must be more expensive. And it's more restrictive, because no matter what you say on your design specs, if the product doesn't meet those specs, you fail the testing phase (oh... and the ENTIRE lot fails if any one product fails!).


But, OTOH, when one submits products for Canadian testing, they test them and tell you if you passed or failed. Apply for an EX number in the US, and you might be three years before you find out they rejected your application because a roach farted on the paper.



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Time fuse, visco and QM must exist in Canada, they are essential for the professional user, so keep looking for some your side of the line before you try to get something over the border. Importing a hobby quantity will still be expensive to get past spec checks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time Fuse, classified as 1.4S, must go hazmat. Not just ORM-D. Many vendors were shipping this by USPS claiming this was the only was legally they were able to ship. In fact, this is completely wrong. You must have proper shipping papers whenever shipping 1.4S safety fuse. Not just an ORM-D sticker. I have sold a few rolls of Time Fuse, but I shipped it via UPS, with all the proper documentation including a hazmat shipping plan, and all the shipping papers. To put it in perspective in terms of cost difference. USPS would charge maybe $10 to ship a roll ORM-D. UPS would charge $10-$13 to ship 1 pound. The rough total weight of single roll. The additional cost to apply hazmat to the UPS shipment? $45.00. Thats my rate, which is not retail rates, and I am also an approved UPS hazmat contract shipper.


With the cost of shipping, I decided to stop shipping rolls, as its not viable for my bottom line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marc posted something a little bit ago. It sounds like it may be good news. I've been out of the loop for a few months, and really don't know the back story. I really don't know for sure though, his stream of consciousness posting style makes it hard for me to read and comprehend.

Ok guys,it all begins today,i think we have enough illegal search and seizures to roast many a piglet,thats the good side of knowing you basic chemistry,everything i have or has was made only for consumer applications that did not require any licensing to buy or sell that was the entire big deal,know body before in history got all the fuse legal for 1.4s1 or 1.4g1 UN0336 and on the cases in huge letters it says for consumer use with no license,that might cause a problem for people with licenses which account for less than 2% of the buyers with little money,those with license wont be able to buy at least not from me causing me too many problems,if i get involved with people with licenses every inch of fuse will have to be recorded when you get your annual visit and i want no part of it,the actual hobby fuse wont have a problem one loop hole for the visco it never was 3/32 it was 2.8 mil that is as close as the Chinese will get but it still isnt technically the same as what is being banned or whatever,it took many years to get the time fuse in a legal status for consumer sales and isnt 1/4 inch its 6mm besides many other technical properties,not all time fuse is created equally,there are only 2 legal forms on the DOT website both being mine same with the match 1.4s1 on the box again it had un0336 .One real insult was being asked if i made pipe bombs or other IED'S and where was my flash powder,something i dont even make,lets just pray my lawyer rips them a new one he was the Florida state prosecutor for 30 years so he knows who is who yet i will still have to supply technical sheets when and how the fuses got approvals that wont be problem,so we take it day by day,Family stepped in paid off the banks so now we can begin with a new slate at worse if i cant myself sell it my mother will retain a license and then ill be able to pay her back.i want to take this moment to thank my real friends who were there for me in times of great turmoil,to name a few Mike Pfortmiller,Claudia Wolter and Rich who were always there for me , David Stoddard,Warren Klofkornand of course my real friend Tom Weiderman,Steven Scott,Steve Kursinsky and Richard Frisch my first real customer and of course Robert LaPietro of Grucci,the rest of you really came through during my time of need no matter the out come,the rest of you know who you are im getting old and have had a lot on my plate so if i missed a few names im sure you understand,the real fight is for you brother thats if i didnt fight this you would never see time fuse again or legal BP match or visco for that matter but first things first now the money pressure has been lifted not killing my credit something we need when buying overseas ,so just a few more prayers and we might actually get what we are looking for,right now its a fight for my civil rights after something insane that happened 34 years ago, today that cost me 15K to start the day,so everything is in motion and if i have to give a lesson in chemistry in court so be it i will,they are so ignorant here.yet things are looking up.

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Wow! I hope that works out. He was pretty stressed about it around three weeks ago.


I had a short conversation with Bob LaPietro Friday before-last while on a visit to Virginia, and we discussed a couple of things that could possibly help solve the issue.


I'll have to ask him next time I see him what transpired; if he knows.


It would be good to have a source, again.



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  • 4 weeks later...
The regulations in general are getting rediculous. I think a lot of it is due to terrorism fears and k3wls. On both sides we have idiots ruining it for the rest of us.
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This is becoming the norm with the 3-letter agencies they like to manipulate the laws and read more

into them then are in print. They expect most people to roll over and not put up a fight because of the legal expense.

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The best is when they rattle your cage and charge you as the plaintiff giving you the burden of proof. I'm still trying to figure out how they invented that loophole. So is my buddy Joey who has been think about that loophole since it put him in a cell. His sister told me they "found" a bag of dope for personal use (although he tested clean always because he doesn't do that kind of stuff) and since he had a legal firearm on the premesis, and 3 homemade Roman candles, and 16oz of smokeless he had to prove he wasn't a drug dealing terrorist. The legal fees bankrupted his family. When they want you, they'll get you. Too bad his dad was a career jailbird. It sucks when you inherit a radar signature.

More reason those of us with legitimate hobby and professional interests need to really keep the line clear. Every time I see some idiot blowing up a tree with homemade HE it really pisses me off. I have a background where I have had to hold little children's stumps to stop the arterial bleeding because they found something shiny on the floor or because their father or older brother showed them and/or made them mix something together they didn't understand. The problem is those of us that are responsible get punished for the actions of idiots. It's a narrow line to walk, but the traditions go back thousands of years. I think about my own enjoyment of seeing a coordinated aerial display and how I get goosebumps when the pressure wave from a loud report passes through. I see the same look of magical fascination in my two son's eyes every year. One day they may want to learn the craft and be part of the next generation. They should be allowed to. It would be a crying shame if such an old and wonderful tradition was relegated to just a few licensed factories selling whipper snappers, and sparklers. I don't mean to babble, but things are just going in the wrong direction and I felt obligated to speak my piece about it. Sorry if I bothered anyone.

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