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Question from a freind about KCLO4 Burst


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So here is his question translated into english

I have this burst: KClO4 70% C 18% S 12%.

Whats the ratio for MCRH? 1 mix - 4 hulls? I tough do i have to make the spiking for 4" shells and will 6 layers of craft for pasting be good enough for 3"? Do i need to add flash to this KClO4 burst for 4" shells?

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About 9:1, Max. You needn't add flash if the shell is well-filled with the hulls (say a peony configuration). If making a chrysanthemum, you might want to 'boost' it a little... I'd say no more than 5g of 7:3.



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Please answer also about pasting with craft and how much spiking, my freind really need it as soon as possible!

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"My friend" <G>


Max, you leave too many variables to answer your question directly, so I'll answer with specifics that may not cover your situation.


Six turns of 70-lb kraft with wheat paste should be more than plenty for a 4" ball shell.


For a canister shell, six layers of 70lb, plus double-strand spiking, plus an overwrap of 30lb pasted kraft -- all thoroughly dried between layers.



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The formula you posted is "KP" from Shimizu in Fireworks: the Art, Science, and Technique. Shimizu says it's fine, but I had trouble with it in 3" shells, but 4" and up it works fine as-is. He states that it gives an irregular shape to the flower. That might have just been a pasting issue on my part however. I've always used it 5:1 KP to rice hulls with good success. This composition burns relatively slow out in the open, but once confined in a shell it works just fine.


On that note, I would be careful about adding flash. Potassium perchlorate based bursts are more sensitive to increases in pressure. It's really easy to over do it. The difference between an anemic burst, a good burst, and a salute is a fine line when you start boosting KP shells. I'd suggest to your friend, or anyone else thinking about using it, to try it on it's own first before trying to boost it. You can tune the shells better with an extra layer or two of pasting than trying to add flash and shortcut it.

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How big should the squers for 4" spiking be? The rope is 25 kg-Force strong

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