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I cracked a rib, and received a few bumps and bruises at work today. FWIW, avoid the broken rib thing - it really hurts - especially when you laugh.



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Damn, Kevin! What'd you DO?


I've had a broken wrist and a broken rib (from a Tae Kwon Do competition match!), and they both hurt, a lot!



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I wasn't quick enough on my feet, Lloyd. Getting slow, I guess.


I work with people with 'challenging' behaviors. I got careless, and took the brunt of one fellow's post-holiday frustration.



Edited by Nessalco
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Ouch, sorry to hear about that.


I too have cracked and bruised ribs on several occasions between mountain biking and skiing. I have also suffered minor injuries from people with various disabilities or substance abuse becoming violent at work.


It is no fun at all and hurts like hell. Recovery just has to happen since ribs and your collarbone need to move as you breathe. If you haven't already, try hugging a small throw pillow to your chest to ease the pain. It provides a little stability without too much pressure to be painful.

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Yeah, when I showed up at work the Monday after the Saturday tournament, my boss came in and asked, "Are you OK, Lloyd?".


I told him, "Yeah, so long as I don't breathe!"



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Cracked ribs are quite a challenge for a number of weeks until they heal. Many years ago I had a motorcycle

mishap and cracked some ribs, breathing was a challenge along with trying to do "number two", thank God for


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Ouch! Sorry to hear that..


Broken bones suck, shattered my jaw a few years ago in a BMX racing accident. Nothing like having your jaw wired up and not being able to eat anything other than smoothies for 3 months.. Couldn't even imagine cracked ribs.

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Broken bones suck, shattered my jaw a few years ago in a BMX racing accident. Nothing like having your jaw wired up and not being able to eat anything other than smoothies for 3 months.. Couldn't even imagine cracked ribs.


Honestly... I prefer ribs over jaw, any day.


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This is actually the fifth time I've fractured ribs - two client assaults, one motorcycle accident, one caving accident, and one fall on the ice. It seems to hurt more as I get older ;)


At least I know how to avoid getting pneumonia. First time I broke ribs I toughed out the pain, and ended up hospitalized a week or so later.



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This is actually the fifth time I've fractured ribs - two client assaults, one motorcycle accident, one caving accident, and one fall on the ice. It seems to hurt more as I get older ;)


At least I know how to avoid getting pneumonia. First time I broke ribs I toughed out the pain, and ended up hospitalized a week or so later.



Is that why everyone calls you lucky? :) You only have one body and you might want to pace yourself. ;)

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