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Star gun


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Been doing some research and I can't find any sites where I can buy a star gun. The ones I have found where out of stock can someone help me find one or have one to sell. Prefer steel or aluminum. Thanks Edited by FLpyroBP
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Been doing some research and I can't find any sites where I can buy a star gun. The ones I have found where out of stock can someone help me find one or have one to sell. Prefer steel or aluminum. Thanks

You can buy one from this place.




If you want a simple stargun just roll craftpaper (whit glue) to the diameter you want plug the and drill a fuse hole.



Edited by fckiamdead
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Different sized rocket motor tubes can be glued into a wood base, or if you have access to a welder you can weld lengths of steel pipe onto a steel plate a drill a fuse hole near the bottom of each tube. If you have access to a propane torch you can use copper tubing and solder a cap on one end and mount this into a wood base platform. EMT steel electrical conduit is a cheap supply of metal tubing for this purpose, aluminum tubing of different sizes can be salvaged from many common items thrown away by people everyday. (lawn furniture, folding chairs, tent poles, baby strollers, luggage carts, ski poles etc. etc. )

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