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when filling 3 ID inch PVC tubes with several pounds of granulated BP, i soon learned that Bentonite Clay is simply not cutting it. Bentonite easily cracks and i even once had my bentonite nozzle "crack" under the weight of about 2 1/2 LB BP and i lost about 72 hours of ball miling, $10 of chemicals, 2 Liters of pure alcahol (for granulation), and about 5 hours of granulating time. i now can see that Bentonite is simploy not strong enough to withstand all that weight, is there any other alternatives?

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This should be titled powerful stupid instead of powerful nozzles. Do yourself a favor and ditch the PVC.

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This should be titled powerful stupid instead of powerful nozzles. Do yourself a favor and ditch the PVC.

i also made Cardboard tube rockets like this and the Bentonite still didnt hold up, please be nice and give me some advice here

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Here's some advice, stop being a moron. The only safe thing about any of this is that it was a total failure.

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