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Black Powder Lift Charge


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My lift charge was dry when i added it to the shell. I placed the lift charge in a plastic bag and then taped this under the shell. I am now worried about the lift charge absorbing moisture because it has been sitting under the shells for two weeks now. Today i took all the shells and put them in a 5 gallon bucket with some descant however i do not know if this will absorb very much moisture due to the large volume in a 5 gallon pail. Do i have anything to worry about with moisture passing through the bag into the black powder or am i worrying to much?




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Unless there is excess moisture already present, you will be fine. Shells breathe moisture over time. If stored in too humid of an area the shell will absorb the moisture and slowly become unusable when to damp. If the ambient condition changes to less humidity the shell will slowly release its moisture until it stabilizes to the ambient level of humidity. Even for a shell if it is put in a clear plastic bag and set in the sun you will know if moisture is present when the baggie condensates. So it really all depends on how the device is stored and for how long.

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I never have , but I dont live in a humid place. I like to use dixi cups as they are wax coated , and when hot glued on create good seal. As stated above shells do naturally breathe , but Bp doesnt really pull water in to aggressively when it is corned, riced bp would be the most susceptible to this if humidity was really high.

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