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I noticed when purchasing compounds like potassium nitrate and perchlorate there is an anti cake option. Does this affect the performance of compositions when these anti cake alternatives are used? I mostly care about the perchlorate because when using it to make flash by the time i have passed it through a screen it is already starting to clump before it can be added to the aluminum.

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The amounts of anti-cake that are added are small and do not affect performance of a composition or burn rate, at least anything really noticeable. I always considered it an oxymoron for pyro purposes as a hobbyist. I think professionally it is more desirable for handling purposes. Just make sure your chems are dry and screen them in as required, especially considering great care for the comp you mention.

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  • 1 month later...

If your using the compound for chemistry when you need to dissolve it then you might want to buy the non anti cake option, but if your using it for just making some kind of comp it should be just fine.

I'd stick to non anti cake since I screen all of my comps.

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  • 2 months later...

i just got into making fireworks and noticed this also actually this is my first post haha my company that I buy all my stuff from does not give me that option and some of the chem comes with it but not all of them was wondering why as well

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Perc with anti-cake is fine. I started using it and have'nt needed to stray from it. It's nice not having to de-clump it like barium nitrate or sodium nitrate almost everytime you use. No loss of ehem performance unless you use a sound decibel db meter or seismometer :whistle: But then even a fart will be detected

Edited by Sparx88
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