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First 35mm shell


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Ok here is the video of my first shell.


Stars are from Turbo Pyro - I cut them instead of pumped.

shell weight was 33.4g. I used 4g of lift. Used fines from lift powder for break.


Please comment





Edited by DaMounty
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DaMounty, it looks great! I like that comp too. Reminds me of bleser blonde. I assume this is a cylinder shell? What did you use for break charge? Tell us a little more about the shell in detail. If this is your first shell, you are way ahead of the game friend!

Edited by braddsn
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Yes it was a 35mm film canister. For break I just used the fines that I accumulated from making my lift powder. Is that break charge?


I used a 1 1/2" visco fuse hot glued, also the lid was hot glued on with one wrap masking tape wrapped around the lid.


Thank you for the feedback. When I launched the shell I was giddy like a kid with cotton candy. :)


I am hooked!

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Pretty nice for a first with no prior testing. Looked like a can shell to me as well. Keep it up and share your future results, always like videos

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Great job! Looks like a fun film can shell
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That's a great first shell. That feeling never goes away either. The 1000th shell will make you just as giddy! Good job!

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