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dragon egg help


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hello all ive got the dragon egg comp down to a nice pop once lit but my question is for the smolder comp/ sparks is there a substitute for TI?

Edited by pyrovinny
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Which composition alarm you using? Titanium is usually only used as a spark effect and has little influence on the crackle. You might be able to create sparks using other metals but I don't know how well it would work out.
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The comp im using is red lead, black copper oxide, mgal 50/50 they pop nicely since i added a little more mgal.But i dont have the TI so thats why i was wondering if i could sub it out. ;)

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if the effect you are to create is the "flower" one then you need the Ti but if you are just tring to make regular dragon eggs then you don't need the Ti, I don't think there is any substitute for it

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I think what is looking for is the dragon flower. It is an effect created by a smoldering comp over a dragon egg. You need the ti for the effect, but also coul try to substitute with firefly al, but that will alter the effect.
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