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Cut Star Frame


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Does anyone know where I could purchase a cut star frame? Is there a known supplier that sells them? Or I would be willing to pay to have one made. I don't possess the skills and tools to make the kind I am looking for myself so I would like to purchase one if possible. The picture in the attachment is from the project on Skylighter and it is the kind I am looking for.



Star Frame.docx

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That is a project on my list of Pyro items to build for myself.

What is the dimension or size of batches of star comp you plan on processing.

I do a lot of wood working and turn a lot of wood on a lathe.

I could make a round one on the lathe pretty quick or make a rectangular one the traditional way.

I would need to know the type of wood you want, the size, and your zip code.

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I don't possess the skills and tools to make the kind I am looking for myself so I would like to purchase one if possible.


I have/had the same problem.

But after being stuck, I decided to give it a go, and see how bad I could mess things up. :D


I discovered, that all you really need to make a usable frame, is:

- A few pieces of wood,

- A somewhat accurate ruler and a saw,

- Wooden glue,

- Nails and a hammer,

- And the desire to get the product.


It's not pretty, but it works. And once assembled and dried, it turned out to be much stronger and better than I ever imagined.


If you have the materials and think you can afford to throw them away, I'd say give it a go.

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There are a number of work shops in most larger cities that have a monthly fee for members to use

all of the tools and equipment on site. Many of these facilities have all of the hand tools, power tools, and complete woodworking shops available for small and large scale projects. TechShop is one organization that has facilities in some major cities. Most sizeable cities have similar facilities under different names. This is a good way to build a project without investing in thousands of dollars of tools. Many cities sponsor Maker-Fares this is a good place to find out what facilities are available in your area.

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When making small-ish batches (maybe 1kg), I frequently just use a large stout tupperware or similar container. Lay in strips of kraft and compress the comp with a 2x4, then lift the loaf out using the kraft strips.




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For a water based comp the only need is a pair of thickness sticks and a rolling pin, roll the comp out over some prime to suit, then sprinkle the top of the lump with prime and cut into squares using a thickness stick as a guide.


While it's necessary for the tools to work it's only tools not finished product. Leave the exotic timbers for things that will be seen!

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