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KNO3 Adelaide


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Currently on the look out for potassium nitrate to buy in South Australia, I've looked in most mitre 10's but I'm young and they have no clue what I'm talking about when I say, can anyone help me out with a place that I can buy it?
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My advice, you gotta get the parents on board first because messing around with pyro is messy and smelly. It's not something that can be easily hidden or explained.


For me brewing and energetics helped bring some relevance to what I was learning in school and pushed me to learn more. My parents were always aware of my experiments and even encouraged them with caveat that safety was the priority. They did this because they could see I wasn't interested in circumventing drinking laws or wanted to make kewl pipe bombs to blow up the neighbors letter box. I was doing it because they were fascinating and I was learning so much more than the A+ students balancing equations.


The stuff is not restricted or difficult to find. Its sold directly as pot. Nitrate. Just don't start asking around for ammonium nitrate, that is definitely restricted. Your problem will be finding it in any less packaging than 25kg sacks. It should be around the $50/25kg mark. That's as much as I will say, just talk with your parents, explain why you are interested and stay safe.

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Try looking in hardware stores or home improvement stores for stump remover. This is usually KNO3. Not the cheapest way to get it but not terrible and a source.


You might also look for hydroponic gardening shops. They should at least know what it is and be able to get it if they don't have it.

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There's always getting your parents to order some off the internet for you. That may well end up being the best option... Also get them to buy you some decent PPE if you don't have any!
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