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ROM hacking


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I know this is a pyrotechnic forum, but I also know that there are many gamers, programmers, and nerds in general here. A couple of months ago I started getting into ROM hacking. I've currently only worked with Super Mario World, but have picked up a good deal of 65c816 assembly. It's a fun way to kill some spare time, and an opportunity to make something for my girls to play. I was curious if anyone else here on APC has any experience with ROM hacking, or if any die hard gamers would be interested in beta testing one of my hacks. The game is an extremely difficult version of SMW (not Kaizo style). It has only been tested on ZSNES, and the last level is incomplete. I'm looking to get some feedback on what I have so far, and maybe a few ideas as well.


Fair warning: my wife played it for around 30 seconds and quit, because it was just too damned hard. The levels can be played in any order, and you don't have to complete one before moving to the next. This is only for the sake of testing, and will be changed when the game is completed. If you are interested let me know. Thanks.

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I hacked an original Wii console to play ROMs stored on a flash drive. I have never attempted to modify a ROM. I would test it for you though.
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Shoot me a PM with your email address, and I'll send it to you. I'm assuming that you have SNES9x. It may or may not work on that emulator, I haven't tested it. Edited by BurritoBandito
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For anyone else who might be playing his game, it certainly lives up to his goal of being extremely frustrating. I played it for about 30 minutes and never completed a single level.


It does work on Wii running SNES9X and the controls are just as responsive as other ROMs and official SNES ports from the Nintendo store. I am sure he has built a way to complete each level, but for me is was too much to be fun. For those who will not let a video game get the best of them, I am sure you will like it.

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Nater, yes every level is possible to beat (except the last one, which is unfinished). You're the only one who was man enough to accept the challenge. There is a reason that you start out with 99 lives. Good to know it runs on SNES9x. Thank you for taking the time to try it, and for the feedback. Some levels require that you use the special moves, like wall jumping, triple jumping, spin jumping off enemies, and the ground pound. Also, dont forget about the "mysterious clouds" level, because you can get powerups there. It is on an island to the right of the 3rd castle. Remember, most game genie codes for the original SMW should work on this one too. I tried to overwrite the existing memory as little as possible.


If anyone else is interested in checking it out, I'd surely appreciate it. Just let me know.


By the way Nater, that title screen... That was made by recording the controller data as I played a level. I tried to be fancy, and make it look slick. Took me forever to do that. Especially since I don't really play games, and suck quite badly at them.

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I am super down to try this out. My email is Jarrodfrankum@gmail.com

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I'll email it to you as soon as I get home from work.
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Good to know it runs on SNES9x.

Hey, if emulation helps you out, i can run it on my PSP & XboX (black square, the real one, the old one.)

It's not quite pyro, but i'll take it anyway.


You got a PM.


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I'm not into ROM hacking or anything (assembly language is a bit beyond me. I'm a mechanical guy but suck at language) but you know they have games like Final Fantasy IV, V, VI on IOS but for some weird reason, they take up a LOT of processing power on the iphones. I love those games but no way I want to play them on iphones again. This is aside from the fact that Square Enix charges out the ass for those decade old games for the IOS.


I think I'd play them again on an emulator because even a Pentium II (450 MHz) could run SNES emulator fairly well. I can't believe an iphone can't do it well.

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I can't believe an iphone can't do it well.

It can RUN the emulators well enough. But you cant control the games any good. Using the screen for controls takes up real-estate, puts your fingers in the line of sight, and doesn't actually work that well when it comes to responses... You can pair the phone to a blutooth controller, but unless you buy one dedicated for the phone, which assembles on to the phone, making it a hand-held gaming device, your going to feel pretty weird when your trying to game on it, while actually seeing what your doing on the screen.

And if you buy one of the dedicated devices, effectively turning the iPhone in to a poor copy of a PSP with custom firmware on it, then you've actually spent enough to get a used PSP in the first place.


There is a bunch of "emulation aimed devices" out there as well, but quite frankly, i always return to the old PSP.


On topic.

Much as i expected, i suck at Super Mario World. There is 1-2 maps in the original i cant beat, one of them being in the "special" zone. So far i haven't been able to beat a single map in this version. So i'm not able to provide any good feedback.

Most maps i can see what the game wants me to do to "get to the next point" but i'm just not able to perform it. I'm sure i could cheat to get past, but i wouldn't even know what codes to start with, and, it would defeat the fun anyway, so i didn't.

Thank you for the entertainment BB.


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Taiwan, my experience with emulators on touch screen devices isn't very great. You've got all the issues stated by MrB., but also that you can't feel the buttons, so it makes it easy to miss them. An RPG may not be as bad since they seem to rely more on strategy than dexterity.


MrB, you actually did provide me some feedback. The game runs on your device, and is hard. Thank you for trying it out. I'm pretty sure most people will agree with Nater that the game is just too hard to be fun.

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You can google game genie codes for most SNES games and then convert it to something that emulators can use.

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Emulators use the same codes as console do.
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MrB, you actually did provide me some feedback. The game runs on your device, and is hard. Thank you for trying it out.


In that case... I've tried it on a bunch of different hardware platforms, through emulators. (Meaning i ran the SNES emulators on the different platforms)

Ok on:

xSnes9x, SNES9XBox, and ZsnexBox 3.7 for the old XboX (Black square)

Snes9x GX on the Wii / WiiU. (Wii already confirmed by nater as well)

And of course, both Znes and Snes9x works fine on PC as well.


Took me all of 15 mins to test that out for ya. Just wish i had a SNES powerpack, or something similar but more capable, so i could test it on the real hardware as well, but for now that remains a pipedream.

In reality, 100% of the emulators will play this, SNES is so well emulated at this point, that it has to be something very rare, with a very odd special functions chip in it, or it will just plain work.

But thats what i could test it on.


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For some reason I still kinda liked those SNES Final Fantasy games... the modern ones are kinda meh

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