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Skylighter has the on sale but it would seem to me they simple drift with the wind and verly likely start fires. Am I wrong?

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Skylighter has the on sale but it would seem to me they simple drift with the wind and verly likely start fires. Am I wrong?


Assuming you are talking about the sky lanterns.. They are usually fairly safe, as long as you use a bit of common sense.. Use them in a large open area away from power lines and buildings. Also, the fuel source burns out well before they hit the ground, so unless they get caught up in something you will not have any problems.

Edited by Xtreme Pyro
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The physics of the sky lantern which has a low center of gravity (the fuel) keeps the heat of the flame inside the lantern while it ascends into the sky. When the fuel is exhausted and the flame goes out the sky lantern slowly descends and lands on the ground hours later. There have been millions of the sky lanterns flown around the world with very few problems. The only potential problem would be launching on a windy day and having the lantern move horizontal and landing in a dry field. Some of the larger sky lanterns are large enough to support multiple flares if you want to add a special effect.
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